These scripts were always more like examples than set in stone automation and always required adjustment for the target device. The scripts used a assumed serial port connection via null modem to the target and Perl expect to check for the prompt, issue commands, etc..
At work to automate the compliance testing, I wanted to use the out-of-band management port via ssh to issue commands, and to avoid long waits on reboot with just quick restarts of services etc, so I made my own remote interface that used this:
It uses some other utils we've coded for keyswapping with the management host, a ssh remote wrapper, etc, that I won't provide here, but you can see how it works below.
It uses v6eval's own configuration of tn.def and nut.def to provide all the connectivity,
In tn.def:
- the 'RemoteDevice' option is re-used to provide an ssh ip address.
- 'RemoteMethod' is also defined to 'ssh' and although not parsed here could be easily expanded to switch different access methods based on that variable.
In nut.def:
- the 'User' option is used to provide username for ssh access.
- the 'Password' option is used to provide the password for ssh access.
Of course 'System' is used by the engine to determine which scripts to execute in /usr/local/v6eval/bin/[system]
All options passed to each of the '.rmt' scripts are available when using the remote class ropt dictionary for easy consumption.
#!/usr/bin/env python
reboots the NUT (via a quick reload)
example invocation from the TAHI v6eval remote suite
./reboot.rmt -u root -p default -d
import remote
import sys
import time
def reboot(argv):
nut = remote.remote(argv)
cmd = 'reload'
rc = nut.runcmd(cmd)
# maximum time needed for config reload
if rc != 0:
print "cmd remote command %s returned %d" % (cmd, rc)
return nut.exitFail
return nut.exitPass
if __name__ == '__main__':
# python v6eval remote interface class
import os
import logging
import tcutils.commandutils as cu
from tcutils import logger
from paramikoutils import keyswap
DEBUG = bool(os.environ.get('DEBUG'))
log = logger.stdout_logger('remote',
level=logging.DEBUG if DEBUG else logging.INFO)
class remote:
"""v6eval remote interface class"""
def __init__(self, argv):
"""init remote class"""
# options passed by v6eval
#my $cmd = searchPath($rpath, $fname);
# $cmd .= " -t $NutDef{System}" if $NutDef{System};
# $cmd .= " -u $NutDef{User}" if $NutDef{User};
# $cmd .= " -p $NutDef{Password}" if $NutDef{Password};
# $cmd .= " -T $TnDef{RemoteCuPath}" if $TnDef{RemoteCuPath};
# $cmd .= " -d $TnDef{RemoteDevice}" if $TnDef{RemoteDevice};
# $cmd .= " -v $TnDef{RemoteDebug}" if $TnDef{RemoteDebug};
# $cmd .= " -i $TnDef{RemoteIntDebug}" if $TnDef{RemoteIntDebug};
# $cmd .= " -o $TnDef{RemoteLog}" if $TnDef{RemoteLog};
# $cmd .= " -s $TnDef{RemoteSpeed}" if $TnDef{RemoteSpeed};
# $cmd .= " -l $TnDef{RemoteLogout}" if $TnDef{RemoteLogout};
# $cmd .= " $RemoteOption $opts @args";
self.exitPass=0 # PASS
self.exitIgnore=1 # Ignore (ex. initializeation script)
self.exitNS=2 # Not yet supported
self.exitWarn=3 # WARN
self.exitHostOnly=4 # Host Only
self.exitRouterOnly=5 # Router Only
self.exitSpecialOnly=6 # Special Only
self.exitExceptHost=7 # Except Host
self.exitExceptRouter=8 # Except Router
self.exitExceptSpecial=9 # Except Special
self.exitSkip=10 # Skip
self.exitTypeMismatch=11 # Type Mismatch
self.exitFail=32 # FAIL
self.exitInitFail=33 # Initialization Fail
self.exitCleanupFail=34 # Cleanup Fail
# # 35 - 63: reserved for future use
self.exitFatal=64 # FATAL (terminate series of related tests)
self.lastrc = 0
self.laststdout = ""
self.laststderr = ""
self.ropt = { }
self.ropt = self.parseargs(argv)
# root user
if '-u' in argv:
self.user = argv[argv.index('-u') + 1]
# root password
if '-p' in argv:
self.passwd = argv[argv.index('-p') + 1]
# management ip
if '-d' in argv:
self.mgmt_ip = argv[argv.index('-d') + 1]
# save the original options
self.argv = argv
keyswap.keyswap(self.mgmt_ip, self.user, self.passwd)
def parseargs(self, args):
"""find the foo=bar variables"""
arg_dict = { }
for arg in args:
nom, val = arg.split('=')
arg_dict[nom] = val
except ValueError:
return arg_dict
def runcmd(self, cmd):
"""run the command on the NUT"""
(self.lastrc, self.laststdout, self.laststderr) = cu.runcmd_ssh(self.mgmt_ip, cmd)
if self.lastrc > 0:
log.error('command: %s FAILED %s' % (cmd, self.laststderr))
return 1
return 0
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