I've kept up with porting the suite @$work to do automatic, unattended evaluation and reporting of our product, but I've neglected to keep it nice and clean for the rest of world.
Seeing that quite a few searches end up on that old post, I've cleaned it up and present a new patch for use against TAHI v6eval-3.3.2 . You can download the patch HERE.
A few points about the patch and the v6eval suite:
- To apply, extract the v6eval-3.3.2 package somewhere cd to v6eval-3.3.2 and run patch -p1 < (path to patch filel)
- v6eval is not 64-bit clean, although it compiles fine, pktbuf will dump core. I have not investigated or fixed this yet. The TAHI maintainers are aware that it's not 64-bit capable. Try to compile only in a 32bit environment. In addition, I have not tested with -m32 compiles, if they work, let me know.
- This compiles on a fairly recent Gentoo and a recent version of basically Centos/Redhat.(gcc 4.4.5).
- Read the INSTALL.linux file for hints
- Since the patch creates new files, some of these files may need permissions fixes, mainly build.sh and lorder need execute permissions.
- Use build.sh to build, or incorporate the environment variables.
- Getting a valid pmake is the hardest part, however Gentoo made it easy:
* sys-devel/pmake
Latest version available:
Latest version installed:
Size of files: 289 kB
Homepage: http://www.netbsd.org/
Description: BSD build tool to create programs in parallel. Debian's version of NetBSD's make
License: BSD
- The patch tries to do the minimum against the distributed code to get it to work with one exception.
- The patch contains my custom pcap filter enhancement for the tn.def file:
filter ipv6
Since the automation harness at work has a busy network, I've modified the filter expression to be capable of any valid bpf filter, which means you need use similar syntax to tcpdump, so
filter ipv6becomes
filter ip6.
I use something similar to the following example to restrict tests to only the NUT, using the NUT's mac address:
filter ether host aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff and ip6
Someone up to the challenge of running v6eval with macvlan interface? *shudder*